h1m_rocks | Teen Ink


Homestead, Florida
Member for 15 years


hey, my name is Jessica (Jessi). i love music, reading, writing songs/poems, drawing and other things.<br /> I&#039;m short (5&#039;2) lol kinda sux cuz I&#039;m 18 and people think I&#039;m 12-16 or something but i also don&#039;t mind cause that will mean i won&#039;t age fast.

Books: memnoch the devil, interview with the vampire, rumble fish, into the wild
Music: venus doom, beautiful lie, wonder what's next, Inside In/Inside Out
Movies: rumble fish, interview with the vampire, bram stokers dracula, lord of the rings 1,2,3
TV Shows: that 70's show, heroes, south park, family guy
Interests: drawing, listening to music, surfing net, watching movies

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)

By h1m_rocks BRONZE
Homestead, Florida
h1m_rocks BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
3 articles 9 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go.<br /> the motorcycle boy &quot;rumble fish&quot; (yes i know it&#039;s not a person quote but i like it)