Seanbuechele12 | Teen Ink


Miami Beach, Florida
Member for 6 years


I am a political guy, I stay informed everyday as to what is going on. I want to tell my ideas out to the public and offer solutions for the country. I now want to publish articles about what I believe is wrong with the nation and how I can help.

Books: F451, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, Art of the Deal, Basic Economics
Music: 70s-80s, Hip-Hop, Pop, Country
Movies: Avengers, Black Panther, Back to the Future 1,2,3, The Dark Knight
TV Shows: Fox News, MSNBC, Shark Tank, BBC
Sports & Teams: NFL: Patriots, Tennis: No team
Interests: Talking about Politics, Debates about topics in the nation, going out with friends and parties, watching movies

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Seanbuechele12 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite personal quote is, “It Ain’t How Hard You Hit…It’s How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward!” This is by Rocky Balboa and its so true about life you get back up and keep fighting for your dreams. This relates to me a lot because people have told me I will never succeed and I am not smart for trying to go for my passion. So I have to take the punches and keep moving forward.

Seanbuechele12 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite personal quote is, “It Ain’t How Hard You Hit…It’s How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward!” This is by Rocky Balboa and its so true about life you get back up and keep fighting for your dreams. This relates to me a lot because people have told me I will never succeed and I am not smart for trying to go for my passion. So I have to take the punches and keep moving forward.

Seanbuechele12 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My favorite personal quote is, “It Ain’t How Hard You Hit…It’s How Hard You Can Get Hit and Keep Moving Forward. It's About How Much You Can Take And Keep Moving Forward!” This is by Rocky Balboa and its so true about life you get back up and keep fighting for your dreams. This relates to me a lot because people have told me I will never succeed and I am not smart for trying to go for my passion. So I have to take the punches and keep moving forward.