Monsters University | Teen Ink

Monsters University

May 20, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 Monsters University is the prequel to the first "Monsters Inc." movie and is very well done. The main protagonist is named Mike Wazowski, a little green monster with one eye, who has dreamed, for as long as he can remember, to be a scarer. To make his dream come true, Mike attends Monsters University, which possesses the top scaring program in the world, and there, in his first semester, he meets a monster named Sully, who is a blue furred giant monster with purple polka dots and is a natural scarer. The two instantly become rivals, with Sully being a great scarer and Mike knowing all of the science and information about scaring. This rivalry soon causes both of them to get kicked out of the scaring program, and the only way to get back in, is to win a scaring contest. Mike and Sully soon create a misfit group of monsters to compete, and the duo must learn to work together in order to win the competition. 

 This movie is family-friendly, realistic, an incredible prequel that does its job perfectly, hilarious, and just a great, exciting, enjoyable film. This movie is dazziingly clever and truly is a hidden gem. Just as good as the first movie, this movie meets the high expectations that were made. 

The author's comments:

The prequel to the first "Monsters Inc."


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