Soul Surfer | Teen Ink

Soul Surfer

May 12, 2011
By SpiffyGal23 BRONZE, Fairport, New York
SpiffyGal23 BRONZE, Fairport, New York
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do it for Johnny!

Soul Surfer is about a young girl that lost her arm in a shark attack. It is unexpected when it is going to happen because she is in the water so many times before the attack.

Bethany Hamilton was on a trip with her friend when the attack happened. When the attack happened she didn't really know what was happening because she was losing so much blood.

She us rushed to a hospital near home where her family is to comfort her. Her first question was "When can I surf again?" Eventually she was able to, even though it was very hard for her.

At times Bethany need help with things like getting food and putting up her hair and many other things. However she refused. When Bethany was trying to surf she got very frustrated. She prayed for help and her faith got her through it. She finds out through all of these obstacles that GOD made this happen to her for a reason.

This was an outstanding movie. At parts it is a little emotional to see what Bethany and her friend and family have to go through. And to know that it is true leaves the watchers to be very moved.

The author's comments:
A story of a young surfer.


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