Son of Neptune by Rick Roirdan | Teen Ink

Son of Neptune by Rick Roirdan

August 14, 2013
By Paigers97 GOLD, Stanardsville, Virginia
Paigers97 GOLD, Stanardsville, Virginia
17 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." --Albert Einstein

Percy can't remember who he is, but he does remember one thing from his past. Annabeth. On his way through the country Percy finds Camp Jupiter. A camp exactly like Camp Half-blood, but for Roman dimi-gods. When Percy arrives he meets Frank and Hazel, but only after he meets Juno (Hera's roman form.) When Percy is introduced to the camp nobody wants him in their group, that is until Hazel speaks up.

That night during their capture the flag type war game, Mars (Ares' roman form) shows up and finally claims Frank, who has been waiting four months to be claimed, and pronounces that a quest is in order.

Now along with Hazel and Frank, Percy must free Thantos, the god of Death, and help shut the gates of the underworld.

What I Thought-
I would say that this is one of Riordan's finest piece of works. The story is captivating and traveling with Percy again is refreshing.

The book was amazing, the depth of the characters and figuring out their back stories was like a field day for readers and very creative.

This book earned a rare 5 out of 5 stars.


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