Clippinger, Carol. Open Court. | Teen Ink

Clippinger, Carol. Open Court.

October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

Clippinger, Carol. Open Court. Jacket Photograph Copyright, 2007. 978-0-375-94049-1 $15.99

Grade Level: Middle and High School. This book tells a story about a girl who has a passion for tennis, from a first person point of view. She has had a hard time choosing between her friends and tennis. I enjoyed this book because I am also an athlete and sometimes I have a hard time choosing between my friends and track. At one point in the book, her partner has a breakdown at a tournament. When that happened she started to wonder if she could be a tennis star and a normal teenager all at the same time. I can relate to this because when track season is here, I don't really have time for friends or anything else. All I have time for is my school work and track. I would recommend this book to an athlete because we can relate to what the narrator is going through, which makes it more interesting.


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