Hana Kimi by Hisaya Nakajo | Teen Ink

Hana Kimi by Hisaya Nakajo

January 29, 2023
By winni777 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
winni777 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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I usually don’t like reading books but reading Hana Kimi was a new experience I've never come across. When I discovered Hana Kimi in my English class I was intrigued. I was a little taken back by the old art style because it usually isn’t my cup of tea. But I have never read a graphic novel like Hana Kimi and I've read plenty of romantic comedies. But as people say “don’t judge a book by its cover” because this manga was nothing like i expected, i expected some boring old romance story but Hisaya Nakajo wrote something extraordinary and out of the box.

Hana Kimi is a romance comedy manga about a japanese girl named Mizuki Ashiya that crossdressed to attend an all boys school so she could see her idol, Izumi Sano, do a high jump in the flesh. Somehow she becomes roommates with her IDOL, learning that he's nothing like what she imagined. This manga takes comedy to another level but you will just have to read it to get a good laugh. Above all else, people slowly start realizing she's a girl and several people know her secret and romance is in the air…

I would probably recommend this book leaning more towards people that have read manga before but this would be a good first read for someone who hasn’t tapped into the manga world as well. I liked that this book was different and a light read, has many plot twists, and was easy to understand. I personally thought this book was hilarious and the characters were incredibly written. I like reading books with hot characters because it's a major bonus factor. But overall I give this book an 8/10 just because I am still not a big fan of the old art style but the story has me charmed and entertained to read more. 

The author's comments:

I am the type of person that likes to keep things nice and simple but has hidden thoughts behind it. My thought process writing this book review was that most teens probably wouldn't enjoy reading long reviews. 


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