Flipped book review | Teen Ink

Flipped book review

November 17, 2022
By GabrielDobry BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
GabrielDobry BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Flipped is a realistic fiction book about a boy named Bryce who moves next door to a girl named Juli Baker. Juli falls in love with Bryce for a long time. Bryce had no interest in Juli Baker all through 2nd grade to 7th grade. Juli would stare at him all throughout the school days. Bryce did not enjoy all of the attention from Juli, but once Juli stopped caring about him Bryce changed. Bryce started to catch himself thinking and staring at Juli for long periods of time. Flipped was written by Wendelin Van Draanen, and a movie was based on Flipped, as well.

I really enjoyed this book. It is one of my favorite teen romance novels I read. It is my favorite teen romance novel because it has me thinking and wanting to read more and more. I like how the book had two different sides to one story and tells the story from both perspectives of Juli and Bryce. Flipped was very intriguing and had me asking myself what would happen next however, in my opinion, the ending of the book was predictable and disappointing, although I found the setting of the book very appropriate for what was happening. Overall, the book Flipped was very good. I would recommend the book Flipped to my friends and family.


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