Never Understimate a Girl | Teen Ink

Never Understimate a Girl

September 12, 2009
By amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

You're sittin' over there
talkin' like you're better than me
like you've got a right, more skill in everything
like it's destined in some prophecy
But let me tell you something
something one day you'll see
one day you'll figure out, what the world is all about
you'll step back to re-evaluate me
re-think your priorities

CHORUS: Never underestimate a girl
cause' one day she will become your world
she understands,she wears the pants
she knows your thoughts with one glance

Never underestimate a girl
cause' one day you'll be on her pay roll
can control you with her finger,
so don't dare too long to linger,
cause' you know she's in control
never underestimate a girl

Go ahead and drop your mouth
you know what I'm talkin' about
guess one day you'll see
Beauty tamed the Beast
Ariel left the sea
we're stronger than you think


Never underestimate a girl
no, never underestimate a girl

The author's comments:
DON'T UNDERESTIMATE A GIRL... I know some guys think they are tougher or more skilled but... us girls stick together and we're strong and we're quick thinking... so we'll take your world by surprise....

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This article has 1215 comments.

on Jan. 12 2011 at 6:24 am
HorseLover SILVER, Dallas, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A boat is safe in the harbor. But this is not the purpose of a boat.&quot;~Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist

This is amazing!! Your so creative!

on Jan. 12 2011 at 6:16 am
Kara_Hikaru SILVER, Plaquemine, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Live your life like you want to, because the people who mind don&#039;t matter and those who matter don&#039;t mind.&quot;~ Unknown

I really love this article! It's so true in every way! Though guys are exactly the same as girls, we just got it a little tougher. You're an amazing song writer and I like your version way better than Vanessa Hudgen's version! Good job!

on Jan. 11 2011 at 8:25 pm
MikalaReighann0215 SILVER, Midland, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments
i would seriously buy this song off itunes. i would love to hear the music with it. it sounds great

on Jan. 11 2011 at 12:47 am
sunshine04 BRONZE, Vindhyanagar, Other
1 article 3 photos 253 comments
song is great

on Jan. 10 2011 at 6:56 pm
deathsongs BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why did the chicken cross the road?&quot;<br /> &quot;If you really wanna know, why not ask him?&quot;

End of passion play, crumbling away
She's your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction
Taste her you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How she's killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your Mistress
Your life burns faster
Obey your Mistress

Mistress of Puppets she's pulling your strings
Twisting your mind, smashing your dreams
Blinded by her, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

limelove said...
on Jan. 9 2011 at 7:08 pm
limelove, Gresham, Oregon
0 articles 1 photo 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
Memories last forever.

This song is great and very good too.

on Jan. 9 2011 at 2:20 pm
deathsongs BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why did the chicken cross the road?&quot;<br /> &quot;If you really wanna know, why not ask him?&quot;


Also, would it really annoy you if an all-boy band from Boston did a cover of this? The irony would be great, but thats not why (lol).

on Jan. 9 2011 at 2:18 pm
deathsongs BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Why did the chicken cross the road?&quot;<br /> &quot;If you really wanna know, why not ask him?&quot;

Hey, do have chords for this? because i keep trying to fit it on guitar, but im having some trouble--i usually go the other way, music first, then lyrics.

on Jan. 9 2011 at 10:04 am
aspiringauthor_ BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 324 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.&quot; - MLK Jr.

Actually, there are some similarities, such as "she wears the pants," as in Hudgens', "I think it's clear who wears the pants." Also, "One day you'll be on her pay roll," is a lot like, "She could be president, make all the rules, don't try to win the game you're only gonna lose." I actually really like your song, and I am sad that you thought I was trying to be rude. :(

on Jan. 9 2011 at 10:01 am
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

Hi deathsongs, so...I wrote this about a boy I knew who wouldn't let me play with him on team sports; he thought that I wouldn't succeed and I couldn't do it. Only boys could; they are tougher and stronger and better...that was his excuse. I am aware that not all boys are like this, I just wanted to create a song saying that...EVERYONE IS EQUAL. GIRLS MAY BE YOUR BOSS ONE DAY, THEY MAY NOT. But you cannot and should not, degrade them in anyway because we are competitive and will work to prove you wrong. We will show you up if you underestimate us and if you do underestimate us, we might surprise you in the end. Does that help ease your perspective a little bit?

on Jan. 9 2011 at 9:57 am
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

Thank you :) yeah, I was just in the shower and I thought of a tune...and then I was frustrated with someone I knew at the time and put the two together! lol. I will be putting it on Youtube soon and I will let you know when so that you can check it out! :)

on Jan. 9 2011 at 9:55 am
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

Hi, so you know...I didn't even know she had songs outside HSM. When I looked at her lyrics, you will see that there are absolutely no similarities other than the song title. I do not copy other artists' work; I do not like taking credit for something I didn't do. Thank you for reading it though and I'm glad you liked it.

on Jan. 9 2011 at 9:52 am
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

THank you :) No, it hasn't but...hopefully one day!

on Jan. 9 2011 at 9:51 am
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

EmilyMichelle, thank you :) I appreciate it.

on Jan. 9 2011 at 9:50 am
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t let anybody tell you who you are; don&#039;t let anyone tell you that you don&#039;t deserve what you&#039;re willing to work for. <br /> Never give up; you\&#039;ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

Hey, yes I play guitar and piano :) I've been singing since I was about 4 and I love it :)

on Jan. 8 2011 at 8:21 pm
aspiringauthor_ BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 324 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.&quot; - MLK Jr.

I liked it... But I think you're kind of a little bit copying the song "Never Underestimate a Girl" by Vanessa Hudgens.

jkhcgkudfh said...
on Jan. 7 2011 at 10:31 am
his song is rlly good!!! and so true

bsdb said...
on Jan. 7 2011 at 10:30 am
this is really good i liked the "beauty tamed the beast"

emmagrace132 said...
on Jan. 5 2011 at 7:06 am
emmagrace132, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
0 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% persperation&quot; - Thomas Edison

i really liked this. all men should bow down ;)

on Jan. 2 2011 at 5:14 pm
krysling PLATINUM, Naples, Florida
30 articles 4 photos 15 comments

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I have found that when a person gets involed with cloak and dagger business, they usually end up deep in the cloak, without the dagger and out a business.

on the whole guys beat each other and then end up friends thing... mostly true. and it is more common for girls to hold grudges than guys. girls tend to be more "mental" and guys tend to be more "physical" just how things turned out.