Haiku by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Most discussed Haikus

By PrincessLena ELITE
Orlando, Florida

Digging up the past; My secrets are your treasures That should stay buried.
PrincessLena ELITE, Orlando, Florida
116 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be" - Kurt Vonnegut

By Malcolm_Chase PLATINUM
Madison, South Dakota
Malcolm_Chase PLATINUM, Madison, South Dakota
32 articles 0 photos 161 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost<br /> - J. R. R. Tolkien<br /> <br /> Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it<br /> - Confucius <br /> <br /> Believe you can and you're halfway there<br /> - Theodore Roosevelt <br /> <br /> Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.<br /> - Albert Camus<br /> <br /> It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.<br /> - Aristotle<br /> <br /> Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!<br /> - Audrey Hepburn<br /> <br /> The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.<br /> - Helen Keller

By TheLemonadeCrusade SILVER
Huntersville, North Carolina
TheLemonadeCrusade SILVER, Huntersville, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the whole world, and all there ever will be to know and understand&quot;

By Santiagopeoms PLATINUM
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Santiagopeoms PLATINUM, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
20 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nevermore...- Edgar Allen Poe

By mytherna PLATINUM
Melbourne, Florida
mytherna PLATINUM, Melbourne, Florida
32 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Earth without art is just... Eh.

San Rafael, California
ClaireP SILVER, San Rafael, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;People can be divided into three classes, the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no idea what has happened.&quot;

By a_rusconi SILVER
Concord, Massachusetts
a_rusconi SILVER, Concord, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By Annmarie11_12_13 ELITE
Paramus, New Jersey
Annmarie11_12_13 ELITE, Paramus, New Jersey
109 articles 0 photos 54 comments
By TheDolphin ELITE
Iloilo, Other
TheDolphin ELITE, Iloilo, Other
210 articles 11 photos 50 comments
By WillC2021 ELITE
Winfield, West Virginia
WillC2021 ELITE, Winfield, West Virginia
170 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up! Put in the hard work and efforts to achieve your ambitions and goals!