Constellations of my Love | Teen Ink

Constellations of my Love

January 23, 2025
By Bl6nd1e BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
Bl6nd1e BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I deserve a great love story." - Love, Simon

Your moles are the stars the astrologists missed

Each one scattered is another kiss

That I would've given you in our last life

And in the next life

I'll make sure you have an abundance of them

If the apple in the Garden of Eden

Was as compelling as your eyes

I would be casted out from everything I'd known

for just 5 seconds with you

If your smile was the light of the gates

I'd begin to understand the devotion and prayers

I'd count every strand of your hair if I could

Just so I could know every detail about you

My heart has waited for someone to lead it home

And if your moles are the stars the astrologists missed

My hear maps it's way back

Through the constellations of my love

The author's comments:

My names Cheyenne and I'm 15 years old. I wrote this poem for my boyfriend after telling him that his moles were my favorite feature of his. Believe me, this is one of many poems about him.

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