Where is Summer? | Teen Ink

Where is Summer?

June 5, 2023
By gracecole10 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
gracecole10 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where is summer?

Where is the sun, engulfing the earth in a

 warm embrace?

Where is the sail, a multitude of colors,

 dancing in the wind?

Where are the people

who dive into the lake

like dolphins in the sea?

Where is the familiar laughter, a chiming bell,

silenced by the fall of snow?

Where is the whoosh of the boat,

as it glides across open water?

Where is the chirp of an army of crickets,

the croak of a thousand frogs?

Where is the scent of sunscreen,


even after hours in the water?

Where is the smell of the nearby flower,

flourishing in full bloom?

Where is the sweet taste of ice cream?

The smoke I could feel on my tongue

from burgers fresh off the grill?

Where is the sting of salt water on lips?

Where is the sand, clinging persistently to damp skin?

Where are the sunburns that seared my cheeks and nose,

a day well spent at the beach?

Where is the sun-baked pavement, keeping my bare feet warm,

as they carry me back home?

Where are the endless days?

Where is the relaxation,

the joy?

Where is freedom’s silent scream, stolen away

all too soon?

Where is summer?







The author's comments:

My name is Grace and I am a 7th-grade student who enjoys reading many genres and narrative and creative writing. This piece was written for an assignment and is inspired by the community where I spend the summer and the memories I have made and the experiences I've had.

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This article has 2 comments.

Sullymcs123 said...
on Jan. 29 2024 at 9:54 am
Sullymcs123, Sherborn, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
>-< So kawaiii! <3

Sullymcs123 said...
on Jan. 29 2024 at 9:52 am
Sullymcs123, Sherborn, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Ugh, I miss summer so much! Your writing traveled me back in time as If I was on a beach drifting to the beautiful words of your touching poetry. You are truly a gift!