Broken Hearts and Barbie Dolls | Teen Ink

Broken Hearts and Barbie Dolls

March 19, 2012
By queennels17 PLATINUM, Wellington, Florida
queennels17 PLATINUM, Wellington, Florida
21 articles 8 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
The sun is out but it's still dark outside.

There was once this little girl
Who dreamed of seeing the world
She would hope and pray
That life won't delay

But behind her happiness
Is a girl who
Doesn't know what happy is

She walks around with a broken heart
She is clueless because she doesn't know where
To start

She isolates her self
Because she's scared of what people might say
When will her phobias clear the right way ?

She sits and stares
Wishing someone would sit and care
Her dolls make her feel safe
She knows that life is all a chase
And shes losing the race

Shes not what her parents expected
So she believes that she can never be accepted
She wants people to know that one day
She will be the once selected


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