Dancing in the Shadows | Teen Ink

Dancing in the Shadows

June 12, 2008
By lauren.elizabeth. SILVER, Stockton, California
lauren.elizabeth. SILVER, Stockton, California
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no right or wrong way to live. We simply just live.

How do I translate
These feelings
Into simple words?
How do I transfer
This music
To the bottom of your soul?

The rhythm remains
Broken and jagged
This love lies
Unsure and scattered.

The door remains half-open.
The vow of silence is only half-broken.
If they look close enough they’ll see Us.

These are the moments I replay over and over.
These are the scenes I always long for:

Singing in the dark, dancing in the shadows.


This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 13 2011 at 9:00 pm
tes1634 PLATINUM, Olive Hill, Kentucky
46 articles 16 photos 17 comments

wow... i loooove this :) and i really like that you capitalized 'Us'...

half-open, half-broken? ...brilliant. :)