Dust and Love | Teen Ink

Dust and Love

August 1, 2009
By Anonymous

The purple mountains sang to me,
they sang of dust and love
and how your love can turn to dust;
a skittering, spiraled dove.

They say I screamed in my sleep last night
I screamed for you to come.
To come back where you fit and click,
To bathe your face in sun.

I never had you for too long,
You said it never was
But I held your hand before you fell,
We touched the twilight's buzz.

You taste like apples after a freeze,
smell like a peaceful soul,
But when I reach to touch you now,
You feel like a gaping hole.

The purple mountains sang to me,
they sang of dust and love
and how your love can turn to dust;
A skittering, spiraled dove.

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This article has 1 comment.

Lonleydandy said...
on Aug. 5 2009 at 2:12 pm
I really liked it!