Fallen Ones | Teen Ink

Fallen Ones

May 10, 2009
By annkaykay2011 DIAMOND, Lansing, Michigan
annkaykay2011 DIAMOND, Lansing, Michigan
75 articles 11 photos 137 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am who I am, sorry, no changes."

I'm falling...
Down from the malevalent paradise...
Into the world of the seven deadly sins...
I can't return...
I can't die...
The sign of the red piccato...
Upon my right thigh...!

There's no where to go...!
I can't step into his
holy sanctuary of purities...
How can this be?!

His equal and followers....
Will not take me either.
Is it because I smiled?
Or showed how "alive" I still am?

I'm falling...
Locked away forever...
From death...
And Everything...

Just call me
part of the fallen ones...


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