Fearless. | Teen Ink


April 15, 2014
By Natalie16 GOLD, Nashik, California
Natalie16 GOLD, Nashik, California
18 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Teams are for people who don't have the ability to get anywhere on their own.

Presently, world is advancing at a rapid pace in all the spheres. Be it technological or social or professional. Different kinds of techno apps are programmed daily. Right now, that is all that is going on. However, people are consumed with the enthusiasm of just using all that is being made available to us. Rarely, anybody thinks of behind the scenes.
Advancement demands a person’s command over the required job. It is an immensely healthy sign. After all, what is progress without quality? But, nobody questions the feelings that arise when demands are made. It is true that to survive you need to be tough. But, even the most cold-hearted being can crumble beneath too much of pressure.
For instance, let us say that there are two professionals X and Y. Both are in the same field on work. Both are sincere and hard-working people. Because of his hard-work, X gains recognition. Soon, Y catches up and he gains recognition too. The next step is inevitable. They start competing for even more success. X is stressed out and Y is working his ass off. The once upon a time healthy competition is not so healthy anymore. It is filled with envy and jealousy and loathing. Leaving this aside, there is a committee which is hammering X and Y with demands.
In simple words, both live in fear.
Fear! Is it a good emotion? Is it a monster which subtly denies us things that we really want in our life? I concur that fear proves to be a major hurdle in the ultimate advancement- growth of the human mind and human soul. This disastrous emotion slowly drives us to a point where we start living the life that others want for their own good. We love in fear for we don’t want to lose something that is “dear” to us. It could be position, money, needs. We live in fear even when we know that it does no good. It is as if our subconscious mind knows that we need to get rid of it, but as always we believe what we want to believe. Hands down, I’m really materialistic. But, I would rather choose to be fearless and dedicate my time to doing something that I love and won’t suck my life.
We, as the human culture, need to adopt a new policy. We need to stop living our lives as per societal norms. Fear eats away creativity. Fearless is a sense of satisfaction. Fearless is not reckless. It is doing what you want responsibly and making sure that you don’t lose your true identity while aiming for ambitions. Create your own destiny without worrying. Today, all kinds of jobs require you to dance to the tune of others. It sucks the joy out of life. It stops you from pursuing things that you love to do. Won’t you rather do something that makes you happy and makes survival meaningful?

The author's comments:
I was just thinking about this when I read about the sales of a marketing company. My first thought was ' what about the people who work for it? How is their emotional quotient at this moment?' This inspired me to write about them.


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