All the years | Teen Ink

All the years

December 19, 2011
By eecinderella BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
eecinderella BRONZE, Plainfield, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you fall in love with another person always choose the second person because if you truly loved the first person you wouldnt have fallen in love again...

Music is something many people take for granted, what if music never existed? There would be silent car rides, for some, nothing to fall asleep to, nothing to dance to nothing to go and listen to during emotional times. Music is a big part of many peoples life, and I believe it should be a part of everyones life.
Not all mucisians are the best example for anyone however their music always has a true meaning to it, it's got feeling. Teens and adults have anger issues. There isn't one person who doesn't have moments where the completely loose it. Maybe if they had the opportunity to listen to music to realize they arent the only people who have parents divorcing, cheating boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or whoever it maybe, whatever it maybe, there maybe less murders because someone was pushed Over the edge. Less physical abuse even mental abuse.
Music tells stories and feelings. It's a form of poetry and it's even spiritual. How can you take something(used in the right way)wonderful like music be taken away from someone? Everyone is a musician weather they admit it or not. They all have stories and highs and lows.
Music shouldn't be taken away from people because they don't have enough money to listen or because they don't like it. There needs to be a way even deaf people could hear it because If everyone gave music a chance they world maybe a better place. There would be something we all had in common a way to connect us.

The author's comments:
Music is a very big part of my life without it I don't know what I'd do without it and it's sad to think that some people don't have music as a small or big part of their life


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