Reflections | Teen Ink


October 25, 2023
By gracecole10 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
gracecole10 BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Penny is lost. Where, how, or why, she does not know. All she knows is that she must find a way out. While wandering through the forest, she comes across an old, dilapidated house, in which lives a girl by the name of Lilith, clever and youthful. Or so she seems.

Penny can’t help but notice the forest’s bone-
chilling tendencies. From tales of missing people an mystery to the eerie and ominous aura of Lilith and
her house, everything seems to be a bad omen. Her skepticism intensifies once she crosses the threshold of Lilith’s house. Upon the walls hang hundreds upon hundreds of photographed people, their faces bearing terror and their eyes glazed over with panic and alarm. Something feels... off about these photos. They settle in the back of Penny’s mind, persistently trickling into her thoughts.

However, with every minute Penny spends in that
house, its once welcoming sense of comfort ebbs
away, leaving her itching with eagerness to leave.
But she can’t leave yet, there are still secrets to be
revealed. Her journey, rich with twists and turns, has only just begun. With a little curiosity, she will begin to uncover Lilith’s past and her own future.

Grace C.


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This book has 1 comment.

Sullymcs123 said...
on Jan. 29 2024 at 9:50 am
Sullymcs123, Sherborn, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Such an amazing novel. Beautiful writers like you transform us humans into the unique characters within your story. Thank you for this.