I, An Insignificant Significant | Teen Ink

I, An Insignificant Significant MAG

By Anonymous

   Gazing about me in shocked wonder while holding my melty mint-chocolate-chip ice cream cone, I was about to take in my first Disneyland Electric Parade. The darkened street was packed on both sides. Luckily, my short, third-grade self was in the front row of the crowd. A janitor, moving across and down the street, was picking up bits of trash. He came over, and gazed down at me from his seemingly gigantic height. I timidly was watching him when he asked if I wanted to start the parade. He and I walked out into the street and he told me to clap my hands. Instantly, the street lamps shined, the music began and that glorious moment was etched into my mind forever. c

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i love this so much!