Student in 2024 | Teen Ink

Student in 2024

November 15, 2024
By Anonymous

Being a student is the experiences we go through that help teach, shape, and define who we are as we go through our adolescent years.

Throughout my adolescent years, I was told by many people that I needed to get my grades up, study more, stop skipping, stop procrastinating, and try harder. Everything I was told was to help me achieve all my goals, but my life isn't all about work. 

Friends are like peas in a pod; Always together and there with each other. 

From the age of 12 to my current age of 17, I have been given more and more freedom and opportunities to go out and spend time with my friends. At first, I was able to start riding my bike around the neighborhood with my friend alone. I later graduated from my middle school and start my journey through highschool. Starting to learn how to drive also allowed so many more opportunities to go out with my friends. We would go out to eat, hiking, and drive to other friends houses. Being able to just sit in our rooms in silence together just enjoying each others company, something I will always remember and appreciate. Click, click, hearing the keys on our phones type as we sit in silence and enjoy each others presence. This was always enough for me. 

My friends have helped me through things and taught me how to be myself without caring what other people thought, something I never knew I needed to be taught. My friends boost me up and help me reach goals that I never thought I would reach. They motivate me to be a better person and they are always there for me. They compliment the things I do and encourage me with their kind words when I do good on specific tests in classes I have been struggling with, or just telling me they know I can do it because they believe in me. When I am with my friends, I never feel like I´m spiraling down a rabbit hole. They keep me grounded and are always there for me. 

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