That's what counts | Teen Ink

That's what counts

August 16, 2012
By Anonymous

‘Does my butt look big in these jeans? Does that gorgeous guy on the football team even know I exist? Is what I’m wearing to the party tonight as cool as what she’s wearing?’ These are the questions that live in the minds of many teenagers. We often spend hours mindlessly thinking about all of these things but honestly, none of it matters. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got a perfect figure or your hair doesn’t shine like the models’ hair on the L’Oreal adverts. It doesn’t matter if you got an A on your last piece of English coursework instead of an A+ and it really doesn’t matter if you can’t afford new designer gear every time you hit the high street with your mates. Think about it, some people in the world have close to nothing. They haven’t got clean drinking water, enough food to live on and a place of shelter for cold and rainy nights. And yet us teenagers still go on and on about the tiny imperfections in our lives. Apart from having food, water and shelter, what truly matters is the love and stability of family and friends: the support and care of people who cherish your company. The feeling of security when your around people is a much more important feeling than the one you get when your mum hands you a £20 note or you go down a dress size. What matters is that you leave school with your head held high and are able to say that you have grown as a person. What matters is that you respect yourself and others, treat others the way you want to be treated and are a good, decent person. It doesn’t matter if you go on to live in a rich part of town and earn millions in an incredible job because that won’t make you any happier. What matters is what’s inside. That’s what counts.

The author's comments:
I decided to write this because I think as a teenager, sometimes we think things are a big deal when really, they have no significance and probably won't affect us later in life. Sometimes we have a warped idea of what really, truly matters.

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