What It Feels Like To Be Alone | Teen Ink

What It Feels Like To Be Alone

November 10, 2014
By Header BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Header BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never Grow Up.

Being alone is nice at times. when you long for peace and quiet. getting to think to your self with out anyone elses thoughts or opinions disturbing yours. when your alone you can do anything with out others critisizem. No ones opinion matters but your own. Once you think about it being alone in your own thoughts is like talking to yourself. and being aloine for an extended amount of time is like having a whole conversation to yourself. So ask your self if your still having conversations with yourself are you still alone?

The author's comments:

I am a person who hates being alone. and even when im not alone i talk to myself. it makes me feel better espesally in awkward situations. my dad always told me the smartest people on this planit are people who talk to them selves.


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