The Effect Of The Cell Phone Industry On The World | Teen Ink

The Effect Of The Cell Phone Industry On The World

February 17, 2023
By Anonymous

The effect of the cell phone industry on the world is extremely immense. Mainly due to the Environment and Social impacts on the world. The environmental impact on the world is that of extreme pollution and destruction of the land and air we live in. Why do you think that the world is ending because we never can have enough? We always need the next best thing. And what better example than cell phones. Let me give you an example of this: you just got the Iphone 11 but what’s this a new Iphone is coming out next year. Well guess I have to buy it. That is what most teenages my age think these days. But not only that the corporations that make the smart phones actually make them slower so that we are forced to buy their product. It is a corrupt system that is slowly destroying our world. Also Cell Phones are not sustainable. Deloitte estimates that cell phone production C02 Levels will reach 146 million tons. On top of that cell phones create more negative impacts on the world than positive like SweatShops and poor working conditions. Next, would be the biggest global negative impact of cell phone production, the absolute disregard for human life of the companies that produce cell phones. But the biggest positive impact would be the fact that you can contact anyone around the world from it. On top of that, I don’t think there will ever be a sustainable production line for cell phones. Last but not least, The UN goals for sustainable consumption and production is not feasible especially for cell phone production because there is simply no way that in 7 years we will reduce the amount we use cell phones. All-in-all, I believe that cell phone production has the most negative impact on the world than any other production line.


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