Fear of buylling | Teen Ink

Fear of buylling

February 27, 2013
By Ariel3455 SILVER, Odessa, Texas
Ariel3455 SILVER, Odessa, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You made me clean my mirror and had me realize nothing is wrong with me" - Ariel

Chapter one

Jordan stands in front of his mirror in his room putting his uniform on for junior high. He had the choice to wear navy blue, white, grey, or a black shirt, along with black or white for shorts or pants. He had to go to sword and showing junior high that is a school where kids could speak different languages instead of one, he knew Spanish, French and English. He wanted to go to Jesses Gaga Junior instead because that’s where all his friends are going to school at. He puts his navy blue shirt on and his black pants instead of the other colors. He was so tired because he didn’t get much sleep last night. He was worried about going to school and wondered if he would make any new friends; he was always horrible at making friends. He puts his belt on the loops of his pants and tucks his shirt in before he buckles the belt together. He already has his socks on and he looks around his room trying to find his converses he bought to wear for school: they were blue and red and as soon as he spotted them, he put them on. Looking into the mirror one more time to see how his hair is looking, he runs his hand through his hair letting it fall into place. When he dropped his hand back down to his side he walked down the stairs to the smell of breakfast.

Chapter Two

Jordan walks into the building where the doors stand out because the doors are an orange color with brown stripes and the rest of the school has an old rusty brown tint. He walks into the office to pick up his schedule, his first period class was math, which passed by so fast, his second period was health training and he really didn’t like that class. He walked out of that class and began walking down the hall and saw some tall skinny guy. He has blonde hair with hazel eyes and dimples in between his smile. Jordan walks pass the guy but he pushes against Jordan causing his books and binder to fall down onto the floor. Jordan puts his knees on the floor and picks his books and binder up. He turned back around and saw the guy was laughing at him with a group of girls. He didn’t care he was just wanting the day to be over with. Then some guy walked over there and said “way to go Chase”! He laughs and gives him a high five.
Jordan walks to his English art class in a hurry so he could get away from those guys. He walks in to the classroom and looks around for a place to sit but all the seats were taken so he had to sit on the floor.

Chapter Three

The bell rings for lunch and Jordan gets up from the cold floor of his fourth period class, which is a math art class. He walks down the stairs to the cafeteria. He looks around trying to find a chair and a table to put his things down. He puts his things down gently and walks to the cafeteria line to get a tray lunch. He went in the back of the line and stood there waiting for the line to move up so he can hurry and get his lunch he looks around the room and sees a girl standing in the line beside him and she was staring at him.
They meet eye contact he could see her green light eyes. Her tan like color her eyebrows thin as can be her face clear you could see the eyeliner under her eyelid she stood still having her arms stacked on each other. She put a smile on her face. Jordan looks away back to the line and walks in and grabs a tray putting pizza, along with milk. The pizza was hot the stream of it was coming up from the pizza. He gets up to front of the line and scans his ID. He walks out of the line going towards the door and chase walks in front of him sticking his foot out to trip Jordan. He wasn’t paying attention and he lefts his arms up causing his food to fall down on top of his head. He hits the floor face down he looks up and sees chase with a group of guys and girls they where all laughing at him and pointing at him calling him a losing. He gets up pulling the pizza off his head he stands up and looks chase in the eyes.
“What’s your problem?” Jordan says he could feel hotness in his face.
“I Just don’t like you” Chase says with a smirk across his face.
Jordan tightened his fist same as Chase as he is grabbing his arm from not punching Jordan. But Chase grabs him by the neck and throwing him to the ground. Chase jumps on him and starts punching him in the face. Jordan turns his head and looks at the girl that smiled at him she was upset and mad at the same time that Jordan couldn’t stand up for him self. Jordan sees the crowd of people circling him and chase and yelling out “Fight Fight!” Jordan reaches up trying to get Chas off him; he couldn’t breathe. A few minutes passed and he lies on the floor. Everyone was gone but he could still hear the laughter of everyone he lost the fight. He couldn’t move his body ached with pain from all the punches he received but didn’t deserve.

Chapter four

Jordan gets up and feeling the pain on his side he wanted to cry because it hurt when he would touch his side. But he took a long breath and let it out. He just wanted to go home and not come to school anymore. The girl that he thought was cute the one that smiled at him she probably thought he was a loser now. He looked down and saw a blood stain on his navy blue shirt. He puts his hand on it and walks to his firth period class he walks in the classroom everyone has their eyes on him and one of them laugh out loud “look it’s the guy that got his butt kicked at lunch by Chase” they all laugh “wow that is low class” Jordan looks down at the floor he feels tears forming in his eyes. He looks around the room avoiding eye contact with everyone he finds a sit in the very back of the room he folds his arms down and puts his head down on top of them. He let the tears come down. The girl from lunch was right beside him. She opened her binder putting a paper out and her pen she writes on the paper “What’s wrong? Don’t let that get to you. You’re way better than chase.” She folds it putting it under his arm he flicks and opens his arms letting her see his tears he unfolds it and reads it.
He turns to her and smiles. He grabs a pencil from his bag and wrights “Thanks, my name is Jordan by the way. What’s yours?” he folds it back up and hands it back to her. He wipes his face with his shirt and takes a breath she hands back the paper. He unfolds it and starts reading it.
“My name is Jessica. Nice to meet you Jordan, you should sit with me at lunch tomorrow.”
The bell rings and she gets up picking up her things and walks in front of the row of desks where she sat at. Jordan grabs all his things and walks by her “what’s your next class Jessica?” she looks at her paper with her classes on it “its art room 215” she smiled. “I love to draw and write things what about you?” He looks at his paper “I have ICP in room 325 and I love to write story’s and poems I wish I could draw.” She turns to him “Well I could help you draw if you would like?” she stops in front of her door to her art room. “It looks like this is my way, I’ll see you after school. Wait for me by the big tree in front of the front doors.” She smiles and turns to the door and walks in. He looks around to find the stairs that are closer to him.

Chapter five

The bell rings for eight period to be over he walks out of his class and he sees chase down the stairs he goes down the stairs watching chase turn his head he points out “look guys its Jordan get him!” Jordan runs down the stairs opening the door that was closer to him running down the stair he looks back and it was only chase chasing him. He yells “Stop!”

Jessica looks around out side and sees Jordan running from chase. She couldn’t go after him.

Jordan runs into the nearest alley that was by and he get in and stops to caught his breathe chase caught him and starts beating him up. The fight was over. Jordan gets up from the ground and walks around town trying to put himself together after that fight. “What will my mother think when she sees this blood on my face and the bruises they cant go away that face.” It was eight o’clock. He starts walking home.

While turning on tom green he hears someone yelling and he recolonizes the voice. It was chase him and his dad where out side the dad had chase by the shoulder putting him in the face. Jordan walks by slower. The dad lets chase go “don’t you dear come back here!” chase falls to the floor. Jordan walks closer to chase and stops in front of him. “What are you doing here? “Chase gets up staring at Jordan looks at chase. “It’s okay if you hurt me. But just so you know I forgave you.”


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