Mannequin Beauty | Teen Ink

Mannequin Beauty

October 25, 2012
By IndigoIsaColour GOLD, N/A, Maryland
IndigoIsaColour GOLD, N/A, Maryland
19 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Place your hand over your heart, do you feel that? It's called purpose, you're here for a reason. Don't give up."

All I could see were her full, blood-colored lips. Hovering just above it was a sharp, straight nose that could have been carved out of the most perfect stone hidden in the darkest depths of the Earth. On either side of her oval-shaped face, her twin cheekbones remained high and acute. Her false brown hair was curled in small, round, cascading circles that seemed as if water were trickling in a black, underground cave oblivious to the upper world. All this rested above pale-white, flawlessly beautiful, plastic skin. I looked down to see a vibrant purple dress conformed to the upper area of her scarily thin body. It fanned out at the waist and fell to mid-thigh, revealing inhumanely white legs that staked towards the ground and ended in identical spiked purple heels that stood exactly one agonizing foot apart from each other at a painful 90 degree angle. Her dark, black eyes pierced in the deepest part of the nearest soul that dared to look directly at her. The eyes were seemingly harmless but held torturous truths that no one could ever know. They stared straight ahead, unmoving, never once glancing away from a distant target. Pinned to the near window was her steely, unmovable, reflection that was covered by a sign that read in bold, black ink SALE! 15% off, in smaller lettering underneath stated the additional fee, when you buy two dresses at regular price. A group of young adolescent girls hugged around the display window glued to the transparent glass that held the latest trends in fashion. To me, it was only a place for evil and lies to be created as spirits are ripped away from their innocent bodies. Yet all I could do was collect their money as they purchased each clothing item to wear during the beginning of summer, just to return again after there comes new releases. Each helpless person lost in a world of fashion, each clueless to the fraud my manager commits every day. I think of all this as I stare at our newest item hanging on the fake body of the mannequin displayed strategically in the window, where all can see, especially me as I also yearned for a privilege to wear the corrupt fashion of today's society.

The author's comments:
This piece is about the unrealistic fantasies of the human world. It describes how something new and trendy can deceive the mind just by its looks. I hope it really gets into readers head as they read this fictional piece about how anything cool nowadays effects everyone.


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