The Fisherman | Teen Ink

The Fisherman

November 5, 2010
By Runner GOLD, Amherst, Massachusetts
Runner GOLD, Amherst, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Two brothers lived in a fishing village by the shore. This particular winter was struck by a dreadful famine. It was the first day of spring, and the two brothers were hopeful about their luck in the ocean today. With the Iberian sun glaring down on them they set out to sea. The younger one, Miguel decided he was going to go on a long voyage to capture the meatiest, most massive creature in the entire sea. For this he knew he would achieve great fame and the admiration of the townsfolk. The older brother, Paulo was simply intent on filling the bellies of his friends and families.
As Miguel navigated further and further the ocean got more and more treacherous. After half a day of sailing he came to an ocean storm, beginning to stir up swells. The waves chopped at the little boats wooden edges and threatened to capsize it. He peered over the edge and eyed a giant swordfish, breathtaking in its beauty and size. He quickly cast his line with a large minnow dangling from the end. In his haste to cast the line he tripped and fell into the back of the boat. All at once a colossal wave collapsed onto the tiny skiff and overturned it. His nets, bait and lunch for the day were forever lost into the frigid Atlantic Ocean.

He swam vigorously to a piece of plywood and rested for a while. Using the current force he floated and swam his way back to shore. He arrived at the dock, shivering and miserable only to find the center plaza flooded with people. That night there was a great party in the center of town. Paulo the selfless older brother had come across a great school of mackerel. The bounty was enough to feed the town for weeks. Later that day, and all through the night there was a great feast. Paulo had achieved great fame and admiration for his fishing.
We must remember to think of others needs before we pursue our own ambitions.

The author's comments:
This is a simple story that tells a moral. I wrote it in the form of a folktale. This was an assignment in English.


This article has 1 comment.

Runner GOLD said...
on Nov. 29 2010 at 12:16 pm
Runner GOLD, Amherst, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 30 comments
Do you agree with the moral? Do you have any critique's? What do you think of the setting?