Field of Dreams | Teen Ink

Field of Dreams

March 20, 2013
By Anonymous

In the movie field of dreams directed by Phil olden Robertson it’s a story about a man (Kevin constener) ray kinchella who is married to his wife and has a daughter and the all live on in Iowa .ray and his wife both are farmers because he grows corn and In the movie ray gets a voice out of now where telling him to build something and he gets a vision that it must be a base ball field so he goes and cuts down all his corn which is what he’s making all of his money off of .He works on a farm.

After this encounter he goes and cuts down a large amount of his crops for the purpose of the baseball field. He has no money to be able to stay on the farm and they’re getting foreclosed and rays wife’s brother offers to buy the land out from him so he could stay in the house and on the land but he declines. Every body thinks ray is crazy but his family who can see and hear what he is so it makes every one think that they are a crazy family they stand by him threw this whole thing.

The way the director made this movie was good I didn’t think it was the best movie but it worked for the story they were trying to tell. The lighting was good and it was a wee made movie the actors did a good job and nothing seemed forced. While watching this movie you want to see what happens further in threw movie, which is good because that’s why it was created. People who saw it when it came out consider this movie a classic but out of all the actors Thomas Mann definitely was the best Kevin Costner and every one else were not as good because he seemed the most convincing as a actor. He seemed like more of an experienced actor then the other people you really believed his character more then any one else in the film.

It wasn’t the best movie ever but a go see if your into base ball ghosts or just a good movie to kill the time with. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars out because of the story acting and directing.


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