Day After Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Day After Tomorrow

April 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Suspense. Thrilling. Breathe taking. Amazing. Only a few words to describe a wonderfully brilliant movie directed by Roland Emmerich. In this epic film a paleoclimatologist named Jack Hall, played by Dennis Quaid, tries to find a way to save the world that is facing the biggest natural disaster known to man, an Ice Age. What started as freak tornado storms tearing through cities, hail the size of softballs, flooding and tidal waves, ends up as three massive snow hurricanes that take up more than the northern hemisphere. As if that wasn’t bad enough his son Sam Hall, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, is in New York City. Which is buried under over 25 feet of snow!

This movie shows the hardships that Sam and his friends have to go through in order to survive this terrible disaster. When receiving a last minute phone call from his dad, Sam learns that in order to survive they must not go outside, no matter what the cost. Sadly the majority of the people there think that heading north is the best plan, despite Sam’s warnings, and leave the public library they were staying in. They learn the hard way of why they shouldn’t of left. Thus, the survivors struggle to keep warm, find medicine, food, and battle other hungry creatures. Good thing there’s lot’s of paper to burn!

While Sam is in New York his father, Jack, starts his own daring mission: to go to New York and save his son. He is accompanied by his two best friends, Frank Harris (Jay O. Sanders) and Jason Evans (Dash Mihok). Together, the three embark on a heroic journey to do what they can to save the people stranded in New York. But first they have to get there and with the destructive nature of the hurricane that might be MUCH easier said than done.

Winner of the BAFTA Film Award, BMI Film Music Award, MTV Movie Award, and VES Award, not to mention eight other nominations; this is by far one of the most spectacular movies I have ever had the privilege of watching. I would recommend it to anyone who loves or even just likes movies about natural disasters, action, sci-fi, adventure, and/or thrillers.


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