Big Business | Teen Ink

Big Business

July 11, 2011
By IAmTheActress BRONZE, Fresno, Texas
IAmTheActress BRONZE, Fresno, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Did you ever wish you could sometimes freeze frame a moment in your day, look at it and say &quot;This is not my life?&quot;<br /> - Daniel Hillard, Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

There is a rare film that you want to watch over and over again compusively, and Big Business is one of them! This movie starring Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin was made in 1988, but it would appeal to anyone 12 and over!

In the 1940's, in a Southern hillbilly town named Jupiter Hollow, there are two couples-
a rich couple from NYC that are just passing by, and a local poor farmer couple.

Well,both wives in both couples are expecting a baby, and they are both in labor, so they both go to the local Hollow-Made hospital, and while Rich Guy's wife is having a baby he buys Hollow-Made.
Both women have twin girls, but the old, addled nurse mixes them up-
One Poor Girl with A Rich Girl, and
One Rich Girl with a Poor Girl!
However, neither couple notices and both couples choose to name thier girls Rose and Sadie.

Fast-forward 40-plus years later, in New York City in the 1980's.
The Rich Sadie and Rose, the Shelton girls, run thier parents' company Moramax, in which Sadie is vindictive and business savvy and Rose is neurotic and knows virtually nothing about the company. Sadie's newest business plan? To sell of a little worthless company they've had forever- Hollow-Made.

Over in Jupiter Hollow, Rose Ratliff is spicy and feisty, very hillbilly, and wants to go up to NYC to "raise some hell" and prevent Moramax from selling the country.
Her flighty sister Sadie tags along because she wants to be immersed in gltz and glamour and go to "them fancy nightclubs!"

Well, when the pair of Ratliffs arrive in NYC they are mistaken for Rose and Sadie SHELTON and are given the Shelton's luxurious suite in the Plaza Hotel, their limo and driver, and gift basket after gift basket, while the REAL Shelton sisters are forced to walk through Harlem in a rainstorm to get to the Plaza, where they give them a smaller room and take forever to find thier luggage.

What happens when these women finally meet? Fid the movie (or Netflix the movie) and watch for yourself!

The author's comments:
I love this film so I wanted to write a review about it!


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