The Avengers | Teen Ink

The Avengers

May 27, 2019
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 The Avengers is a superhero movie that combines superhero characters from other movies to create a superhero team to help save the world. When Loki, the god of mischief, is given access to an infinite amount of power with the Tesseract, which is an infinity stone, or in other words, one of the most powerful objects in the universe, Nicky Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, builds a dream team of superheroes to stop the formidable threat. The heroes who join the team are Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, the Black Widow, and Hawkeye. However, it's not like this team doesn't have its own faults. For starters, most of the members haven't even met, seen or worked together yet, and they all have their own individual strengths and weaknesses that the other teammates still haven't yet learned about. Captain America must continue to adjust to living in a world that he still isn't used to, because he is from the 1940s. The Hulk still isn't able to be controlled and can be a shear wrecking ball that takes out everything in its path. The Black Widow is a trained assassin with a dark past that she can't seem to put behind herself. Hawkeye has no powers in particular, but he is pretty talented with a bow and arrow, except even that may not be in enough for him to save the Earth from uncertain doom. Although most of these superheroes clearly have nothing in common, they must work together and put their differences aside to form a team known as The Avengers in order to save Earth. 
 The Avengers proves to be an epic adventure that will surely have audiences on the edges of their seats throughout. Dramatic and action-packed in its entirety, the movie manages to revolutionize the superhero industry by proving that multiple superheroes can be in the same movie, and it can work. Although many people thought that having multiple superheroes on the same screen would be a bad idea, they are proved wrong in every sense of the word.  Somehow, everything seems to work, and the heroes combine together to create an enjoyable movie. Everyone is able to get their own spotlight, and the film never feels overcrowded or excessive. The variety of superheroes in the movie manages to showcase several different personalities of superheroes to show they really all vary, not just by powers. The beginning of the movie seamlessly reintroduces audiences to the movie's characters, considering that most of them had originally be introduced in other movies in the franchise, meaning there was already a great sense of familiarity with the superheroes on-screen. This is one of the main reasons why the movie is able to work, and it allowed the movie to not have to introduce all of the superheroes and provide an origin story for every single character, which would definitely be a recipe for disaster. Instead, the only character who wasn't previously introduced was Hawkeye, who happens to be a pretty straightforward character of someone who has some familiarity with Nick Fury and is a good archer. Because of this, this worked really well for the movie, since it could focus on having the superheroes and characters from other movies interacting with one another, not just explaining how they came to be. 

 The Avengers greatly benefits from honing in on the concept that majority of the superheroes on this team are just humans, and the ones that aren't are insanely relatable, flawed characters as well. The Hulk has trouble dealing with his anger issues, Thor has family problems, Black Widow struggles because of her horrific childhood, Captain America feels out of place, and Iron Man has more issues than most, due to morality struggles in a search to do the right thing. Viewers can feel for these characters and connect their own experiences to the ones occurring on-screen. Secondly, the Black Widow, Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Bruce Banner, who turns into the Hulk, are all humans, so they naturally have limitations on what they are actually capable of, meaning they can't just easily save the day. Instead, everyone must work together as a team to try to save the Earth from an alien invasion, because not a single one of them can accomplish this goal solo. The heroes might not want to be a part of the team, but they help to form the team that Earth deserves, especially considering that they are Earth's mightiest heroes. 

 Even though so much could've gone wrong with The Avengers, so many things went right, and critics agree. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie an impressive 92%, and almost everybody was pleased by how the movie put audiences to the edges of their seats. An outstanding 93% of Google users liked the movie, demonstrating that just about anyone and everyone enjoyed the movie, proving that this is one to see. 
 The Avengers benefits from a star-studded cast that shines throughout. Robert Downey Jr. transforms into Tony Stark and Iron Man, and not only has he become the face of the character, but he has also become the face of this franchise, due to the level of emotion and relatability that he is able to bring to the character. Chris Evans does a tremendous job of playing Captain America and really brings out the inner soldier in him, while showing how his ideals and morals are representative of what everyone should strive for. Mark Ruffalo does an incredible job of portraying Bruce Banner and the Hulk, since he is able to bring out the duality that the character faces, as well as his struggles with his anger that lead to the unleashing of the green monster. Scarlett Johansson manages to a great job of transforming into Black Widow and demonstrating just how fierce of a character she truly is. Jeremy Renner does an excellent job of introducing viewers to Clint Barton, who is better known as Hawkeye, and since his character was one of the only ones not yet introduced to the big screen, his performance was vital. Samuel L. Jackson gives a fantastic performance in his portrayal of Nick Fury and manages to become one of the most entertaining characters of the entire movie. Tom Hiddleston does a superb job of portraying Loki, who happens to be the main villain of the movie. The key to every great superhero movie is a believable villain, and Hiddleston manages to create this villain that proves to be quite the test for the superhero team, so much of a test that they must band together and form a team in the first place. 

 The Avengers managed to forever change how people viewed the superhero industry, and for that, it deserves to be seen by everyone. Not only will this movie surpass any and all expectations, but it will serve as an inspiration for others to want to become superheroes as well. This movie does the characters justice and proves why the Avengers are Earth's mightiest heroes. 

The author's comments:

"The Avengers. It's what we call ourselves. Sorta like a team. Earth's Mightiest Heroes type thing." - Tony Stark/Iron Man


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