Txiv Nraug Ntsuag thiab Zaj Laug Ntxhais Ntxawm by Yaj Pov Tsab | Teen Ink

Txiv Nraug Ntsuag thiab Zaj Laug Ntxhais Ntxawm by Yaj Pov Tsab

January 26, 2018
By Obeyin.1 SILVER, Sacramento, California
Obeyin.1 SILVER, Sacramento, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving," - albert einstein.

Will all Orphans succeed in the future? The Orphan and The Dragon Princess is a book full of mysteries that many will want to find out about. This book is about a Orphan who lives in a ungrateful home. He suffers everyday by his sister in law. Who treats him like crap that he just doesn't deserve. Everyday the Orphan suffers and gets treated badly because being a orphan, not everyone respect. The way how i feel about this book is that it's just selfish of people who just doesn't have respect for Orphans. That's such not a good thing. It's really not okay to just disrespect Orphans because karma can always come back to you. That's how i feel about this book.


The Orphan is a guy who lived without parents every since he was born. He was raised in a home with only his older brother and sister in law. He lived most his life working for his sister in law. Whatever his sister in law wanted, she got. He was the most kind and grateful person. The sister in law just didn’t see through that he was another human being too. He was still treated badly after years and years.


At a very young age, The Orphan was like a slave to the sister in law. He was treated as if he was only a dog. Not being treated like a human but a animal. He was always careful though, he knew what was right to right. He just never really focused on or knew how bad his sister in law was treating him. Growing up working for her, he never knew that she was a greedy, selfish person. After a long time of period he leaves the home to build a better life. With his pet by his side, his pet helped him out most of the time when he was in a rough time. Leading him to the good side. Making sure that he’s right on track in life and not being homeless and hungry.


My character is unique because he is an orphan who survives in the most dramatic world ever. Even though he knew he didn't have hopes left. He still fought reality and made hope. With a little help of his pet cat. He knew he was gonna become homeless one day, that's why he chose the right path and that gave him cheerful and happiness. That is the reason why i think that this character is an unique one.

As you can see, this is why you should read this book. It's full of mysteries and passion. It spreads love and hate between this book. I recommend this to a young orphans and foster kids who can read or are interested in the hmong language.

The author's comments:

This book has you mixing emotions, lots of interest.


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