Jacky Ha-Ha by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Jacky Ha-Ha by James Patterson

March 8, 2017
By Kyky1217 SILVER, Rockledge, Florida
Kyky1217 SILVER, Rockledge, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friendship is.... The sort of love one can imagine between Angels. - C.S. Lewis

From I Funny TV by James Patterson, Jacky Hart from Saturday Night Live tells her story about climbing ferris wheels and about how she became so funny and popular. Jacky Ha-Ha is one of six sisters with her mom in a dangerous and deadly war across the world and with her dad almost never being around. Also, her teachers want to try to help with her problems like her stutter, they put her in the play. Jacky really likes her teacher that helps out with the play and can connect and get along really well. The vice pricpal makes Jacky do a speech contest and Jacky doesn’t even agree to do it. Jacky is trying her best to keep her family together. But can she do it without losing her power of laughter? So, go and enjoy Jacky Ha-Ha!


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