The Outsiders | Teen Ink

The Outsiders

March 18, 2009
By tyler reid BRONZE, Murray, Utah
tyler reid BRONZE, Murray, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seventeen year old S.E. Hinton brings you to the world of the street life and gang battles with her book, The Outsiders.

Ponyboy Curtis, (believe it or not that's his real name) is a talented Greaser who has big dreams for a 14 year-old, but he has lots of barriers in his gang life to overcome. It is bad to be a Greaser, but later on things get much worse when Bob Sheldon and the Socials gang come around after a big fight and a murder. He finds himself trapped in a world between staying with the Greasers and running from the Socials with his best friend Johnny.

I like this book because it shows there is good and bad in everyone. Also I think I can relate to this book because I thought that a Goth kid from school was all bad and stupid. But, it turns out that not everyone is what you think. I guess it is kind of like how you should not 'judge a book by its cover.' Now Kyler is one of my best friends.

Even though it was written over fifty years ago, The Outsiders is still a great hit in middle schools all over the U.S. I could tell my class liked it because they would beg my teacher to read it and moan when we would have to stop. I also heard kids talking in and out of class about the book.

If you're looking for a book that has action, bravery and a surprise ending, this is the book for you!


This article has 1 comment.

TR2211 said...
on Apr. 9 2009 at 7:06 pm
Thanks for sharing your review and lessons learned on judging outside appearances. Sounds like you and your friends really enjoyed "The Outsiders" and you didn't want to put it down!! Keep reading!