Savvy by Ingrid Law | Teen Ink

Savvy by Ingrid Law

February 17, 2009
By Casey Seline BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Casey Seline BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
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Nothing has ever been normal in the life of Mississippi Beaumont, or as she is known to most, Mibs. Her grandpa moves land with a wave of his hand, her mom is absolutely perfect in every way, her two older brothers create electricity and hurricanes, and now it Mibs' turn. She's already nervous enough before her extra special 13th birthday, but a few days before the exciting event, a tragedy happens and Mibs is left to deal with the unveiling of her own savvy without her mom, dad, or oldest brother.

Ingrid Law writes a tale that you won't soon forget. Her style of writing is easy to understand; a fourth grader could read this book and be just as entertained as a ninth grader. Law is also extremely creative and descriptive; like Mibs, the ink moved in my mind as I read this story.

Although Mibs' story is a captivating one, it took me quite a while to get into the book. Mibs was hard to relate to, and so was her lifestyle. Law's writing, though exquisite, it could have used better word choice and more sentence fluency in my opinion.

Savvy is a wonderful book that many people enjoy. Even though it could use a few improvements, it is defiantly the kind of book that everyone should have the chance to read.


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