Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

August 21, 2015
By Maryanne_Aremu BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Maryanne_Aremu BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Divergent Book Review
  Divergent would be one of the books that had so many people talking. Many of my classmates have read or just watched  the movie, which is what happened with me. I just watched the movie before I read the book even though that's not the correct way to go. I rather read Divergent and see how much it compares to the movie. Either way I can still compare both the movie and the book, the great creation of Veronica Roth. Veronica is a very talented author, the reason I say this is because the Divergent series is an amazing collection. I am starting the second book in the series and it has been amazing so far. 
While I read a book there are two things in order for me to read or enjoy a book, it must contain the following elements to make it interesting:
   (1) The plot must be intelligently laid out and avoid dry jokes.
   (2) Preferably for the book to be like a rolling movie in my mind.
As long as the book keeps these elements then it would be a  good thing. I usually just need an interesting plot and it would be fine. Some books will  run on and on and would not be a very interesting movie.
In Divergent the book was a very interesting plot and the whole story behind it was pretty interesting, it’s the type of book that you just don't want to put down as soon as you put it down
that’s all you're thinking about. Since I already watched the movie before I read the book, I liked reading the book because I could just picture everything happening which was very enjoyable. The main plot of the book is a town that has its own way of running things with their five factions, and the five factions are what I think make the book the best. If there wasn’t any factions to shape the book I feel that it would have cut from the story.
My two favorite characters are the main ones of course, Tris and Four. They are the ones that make the book the most interesting in my opinion. Yes, just like any other cliché book or movie they fall in love and then they continue their lives together. But you see all I’ve been talking about are the things I enjoy the most. In my opinion there are some parts of the book I feel could’ve been different. Like all the action parts could’ve been arranged a different way or the ending in my opinion wasn’t the best.
The movie was pretty different but that’s what usually happens with most books that have either their own movies are sequel, but in my opinion that’s kind of the beauty of the series. It's to keep the fans waiting and ready for the next big thing. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a thrill out of reading action books. I say that Divergent is a good book for all people boys and girls.


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