The Grey King by Susan Cooper | Teen Ink

The Grey King by Susan Cooper

February 4, 2015
By Anonymous

Will Stanton goes to Wales and started living with his uncle David to recover from hepatitis and meets Bran. The Pendragon and befriends him and his dog Cafall. Bran is an Albino with tawny eyes. His dog is totally white and has silver eyes that are able to see the wind. They try to find the Golden Harp and awaken the Sleepers to fight the Dark lord or grey king. The Golden Harp is protected by the High Magic and three men: a Lord of the Dark, Arthur, and Merriman Lyon. To find the harp they had to find a cave on Bird Rock during a fire in the caves. When entering the cave they had to be judged by the High Magic to deem them worthy of retrieving the Golden Harp. The three men gave Bran and Will riddles that they solve and then eventually get the harp. When they find the Harp, an old farmer named Caradog Prichard kills Cafall thinking that the dog killed one of his sheep when it really was the malign. Bran and Will go to the lake where the Sleepers sleep. At the end of the book, Caradog Prichard was then possessed by the Grey King and tried to battle Will but Will then played the harp to stop the grey king. Then, Caradog Prichard that was possessed by the grey king grabbed the Harp and putted in the lake.


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