True Legend | Teen Ink

True Legend

August 29, 2014
By CharlotteHornets25 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
CharlotteHornets25 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Jimmy is a cow


True Legend is an thoughtful, struggle comeback story that captures the true nature of basketball. True Legend was written by Mike Lupica. I reccomend True Legend to anyone who loves or wants to love basketball. I think this book can capture anyone if they let it. However if you do not let it, it might get confusing.</div>


This book can be for all ages however, if I must choose the age group it would be ages 12-18. The book is about inspiration to become something when you grow up, and those ages are the ages that fit this type of writing. The language is for everyone, there may be a few confusing words but nothing to bad. This book can be for younger ages too, but the words may be too advanced.</div>


The voice is a very straight forward tone mixed with a little hope and fear almost bipolar like. It is very effective, if the voice was emotional and had over drawn emotion the might have not been published because it would have been a very confusing book to understand. The life lesson in the story is to never give up even when it seems you have no chance at all, but you can't be too confident because even if your the greatest player to ever live, you might not be successful because you were over confident.</div>


The story takes place in California. The book setting is great and it even matches with the characters. The story's characters are very thoughtful and drive the story right into the place it seems it should go. The main character is Mark an up and coming basketball player that has great skills, but has to learn how to use them. The story is about Marks team and how they grew into a great team. The story is full of surprises that keep the story fresh and entertaining.</div>


I truly loved True Legend, it just captured me into a whole new world that I want to explore and see for myself, I couldn't let it go. Anyone who loves basketball, wants to love basketball, or is even couris about basketball will love this book. It is basketball in the form of a book. If you loved the book you will want to read it again, and maybe again</div>


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