The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

May 14, 2014
By lindyrutledge BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
lindyrutledge BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently I finished a book that changed my opinion of life, it was called ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ by the brilliant John Green. This realistic fiction book is quite mature and I would recommend it for teenagers and adults, but I can’t guarantee that everyone will appreciate it. To comprehend and enjoy this novel, you can’t expect a happy ending, or even happy people. You must be prepared to be on a never ending rollercoaster of emotion while reading, one moment you could be bawling and the next, you could by smiling and laughing.

TFIOS is from the perspective of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16 year old with deadly cancer in her lungs. Hazel is the type of person that would make you want to rip your teeth out when you are around her. She is not always positive, she has very strong opinions that are hard to agree with. She ALWAYS speaks the truth, never making things sound better than they are. That is, until she meets Augustus Waters, a boy with 1.4 legs who finds himself falling hopelessly in love with Hazel. Life is a constant battle - for the both of them, and not only because of their cancerous struggles.

The characters are hard to make connections with, but I believe that is the reason I adore this book. It’s from a perspective much different than my own, and it taught me about compassion and how it isn’t always appreciated; that love is dangerously powerful, and it taught me to always consider how others feel. Although I have not experienced the things that Hazel or Augustus have, this book touched me and has quickly become my new favorite masterpiece.

Everyone should give this wonderful book a try, because whether you like it or not, it will change you for the better, like it has for me and many others.


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on Sep. 2 2014 at 1:52 pm
TheComet PLATINUM, Mostaganem, Other
22 articles 1 photo 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret&quot; -Ambrose Bierce<br /> &quot; Be yourself! Everybody else is already taken ;)&quot;<br /> &quot;Don&#039;t go where the path leads you. Go instead where there&#039;s no path and leave a trail ;)&quot;-R.W.Emerson

You are so completely right I totaly agree with you, this book opened up my eyes to so many things I had right in front of me and thought I didn't. It changed my peprspective toward life and its struggles cuz like it said: "That's one thing about pain; It demands to be felt" You know this particular sentence touched me deeply and woke me up. Thanks to this book I learned to appreciate the least I can get from life ^_^ So I guess we have that in commun ;) Anyways Thanks for sharing your opinion about TFIOS and I believe many other people would certainly agree with you. Keep it up 5/5 stars :D