Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson | Teen Ink

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson

November 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Touching Spirit Bear is a really good book about a troubled boy named Cole Mathews. The book is three hundred and thirty pages of action and excitement. The story glued my eyes to the pages and I liked it a lot, I think you'll like it to.
Cole Mathews is a fifteen year old that gets beaten by his father, just as Cole's father was beaten by his father. Cole gets so mad one day when a kid named Peter tells on him at school, out of anger he beats up the kid really bad. As a consequence he is put on an island in Alaska and stranded for a couple of months. While out on the island he is attacked by a huge white bear that nearly kills him. The attack changes his life.
I think this book is for people who like surprises. There are a lot of surprises in the book. There is also a lot of good description, so if you like that, this book is for you.


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