<i>The Shining</i> by Stephen King | Teen Ink

The Shining by Stephen King MAG

October 20, 2013
By The_unseen666 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
The_unseen666 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I've always preferred horror over other genres, and this book definitely delivers. Ste­phen King is the master of his genre, so this book is bound to keep you awake at night.

This is the story of the small, dysfunctional Torrance family, who become locked in the ominous Overlook Hotel. The story is told from each family member's point of view, but most importantly Danny's.

Danny's father, Jack, gets a job as winter caretaker at the old hotel. Even before the family moves into the hotel, Danny has a bad feeling: his best friend, who is imaginary, has betrayed him and shown Danny the history of the horrible Overlook. The place is riddled with horrors of the past only Danny can see. But, Danny isn't the only one who is affected by the spirits: Jack, an alcoholic, is slowly driven mad. He begins to lose his grip on reality, and only Danny can see what this mad house really is.

This book is very heavy with a cynical tone. It is not for the faint of heart. There are many instances seen through the eyes of a teenager that are hard to fathom. Some parts feel so real they will make you shudder. This book shows what insanity really is, what it is to lose your morals, and to lose the sanctity of being human, to “have been made into a monster.”

If you read this book at night, you will not put it down until the final climax. I highly recommend it to just about anyone who enjoys a good scare. This is a fantastic read, a psychologically changing book that makes you think about what it means to be human.


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