The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

September 5, 2013
By gabbieholstein BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
gabbieholstein BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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The Fault in Our Stars: 5 Out of 5 Stars

The book, The Fault in Our Stars was written by John Green. Green has won many awards such as, Printz Medal, a Printz Honor and a Edgar Award. Along with his brother, John co-owns a Youtube channel called, Vlogbrothers. The Vlogbrothers is a very popular video project all over the world. John Green’s writing style is very clever, and extremely creative.

The Fault in Our Stars is a fictional, clever book. The two main characters, Hazel Grace, and Augustus Waters meet at a children’s cancer support group. Throughout their tough journey, they go through many ups and downs. The story takes place in present day Amsterdam. When they go through their journey, they realize that love overpowers any sickness, or problem.

Hazel and Augustus fell in love with the book, Imperial Affliction. In that book, the ending was a cliff hanger, so Augustus wrote to the author. After a few emails back and forth, they were going to use Augustus’s cancer wish and fly to Amsterdam and speak to the author. After the trip, Augustus reveals to Hazel that his Osteosarcoma cancer has returned and that he is very ill again. Through their illnesses and tough times, they come closer together and realize that they really love each other and are meant to be, until a horrible tragedy.

The theme of The Fault in Our Stars is that, although times are hard, you always need to stay strong. This book was very clever and emotional; it keeps you turning the page to find out what happens. The emotions are up and down, depressing, happy and sad; you never know what it’s going to be next. Augustus always wants Hazel to love him; even though she does she has trouble showing it. Finally towards the end they realize that they are meant to be together forever.

Although everyone is a star, we all have faults. In this book, Augustus and Hazel figure that out. They’re together because they both have the same type of flaws. That’s why they love each other and stay together.


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