The Noah Confessions | Teen Ink

The Noah Confessions

August 25, 2008
By Anonymous

This is a captivating story about a girl, Lynne, who never dared to venture out of her own comfortable place in society. Lynne’s mother died in a car crash when Lynne was eight, as Lynne grew older she placed her mother on a pedestal of perfection. She remembered her as a flawless, person, incapable of sin. On her sixteenth birthday, Lynne’s dad gives her an extremely abnormal gift. Instead of the car Lynne was expecting, as was customary, Lynne’s father breaks the “norm” and gives her a cheap looking little bracelet adorned with little birds, deformed with age. The bracelet belonged to Lynne’s mother, but it had a more sinister history than that. After some frustrations on Lynne’s part, her father gives her a thick notebook, filled with a mysterious story, and written by her mother. This notebook was an account of a true, but dangerous story, involving Lynne’s mother, and a dastardly crime. As Lynne discovers that, her mother’s story is much more captivating than she realized, the story unfolds, and we are faced with Lynne’s search for her own story. I wholeheartedly recommend this story to anybody who likes drama, and real-life fiction. Ms. Hall writes in an intriguing and detailed style, vividly depicting the emotions and drama involved in the story. The plot is rather complicated at first, but Ms. Hall explains it very clearly. This was a great story, and the overall theme to walk away with was that nobody is perfect, we all have our own story, and the greatest achievement in life is discovering your story.

The author's comments:
I hope you will realize what a great story this is, and read it. It is heart wrenching and everybody can get something out of it. I reviewed this book after reading it and thinking it was marvelous and wanting to share it with others.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 8 2010 at 9:27 pm
thebookthief SILVER, Evanston, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Thanks for the review. I think I will read it.