The Cay | Teen Ink

The Cay

September 26, 2012
By 27Michelle27 BRONZE, Nipomo, California
27Michelle27 BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile. laugh as much as you breathe, love as longt as you live

The Cay by Theodore Taylor is an adventurous book that brings two very different people together to see eye to eye. The time period when this book takes place is right at the very start of World War II, as submarines fill the waters off there small gulf in Curacao bombing incoming trade ships. With Phillip being her only child and a young boy she raised him and cares for him with little help from the father that works most of his days. Phillip’s Mother takes Phillip and they board the best ship they can find planed to arrive in the main-lands and are bombed shortly after departure. Phillip is flung from the ship and separates from his mother landing in the water with a throbbing head. To his surprised is rescued by in his eyes the worst person ever, a black man! In the time period this story takes place, strong racism battles are an ongoing issue between blacks and whites. Phillip must learn to deal with and accept people for who they are very quickly if he wants to survive. As Phillip soon goes blind, he becomes almost fully dependent on Timothy, the strong working black man that becomes his only human companion as they are lost in the sea and stow away on a very small island in “The Devils Mouth.” They learn to grow found of each other and tell stories of their past memories and future plans as they survive the elements and each-other. This novel is a roller coaster of emotions as it mixes comical duals between the two and a tear jerking ending. The two learn to get past their small skin color differences and look at each other for who they are. I recommend this book to motivated readers that want to take a journey to the small island in the Caribbean’s while watching the weak characters grow and mature almost over night. This is not an easy read and uses a lot of slang language that after you get a hang of creates a more personal relationship between yourself and the character. Take a chance, and loose yourself in a far away place or even a miniature island.


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