Emily The Strange: The Lost Days by Rob Reger | Teen Ink

Emily The Strange: The Lost Days by Rob Reger

January 8, 2012
By BookOwl PLATINUM, Bristol, Tennessee
BookOwl PLATINUM, Bristol, Tennessee
32 articles 5 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

Emily doesn’t know who she is. She just knows that she’s in a strange place called Blackrock, and that she’s not, supposed to be there. Carrying only her journal, slingshot, and pencil, she searches for her identity. But boring as Blackrock may be, it still has a whole lot of secrets. And Emily is definitely involved in them. If only she could remember!

Along with the nine year old psychic, Jakey. A waitress from El Dungeon, Raven. And four black cats. Emily searches for her memory, and the reason she forgot in the first place.

This book was cute, and really funny. I’m not sure why it was labeled under teen though. It was a very clean book. There is one cussword- a very mild one- and Emily makes up her own cuss words- just silly things- and that’s pretty much all the iffy content. I think I would recommend this to some kids, but others might have trouble keeping up with the writing. All in all, I will be reading the sequel.


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