The Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

The Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer

June 1, 2011
By Kaitlin,wv BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
Kaitlin,wv BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Child Called “It”. Pelzer, Dave. Deerfield Florida: Health Communications, Inc. 1995. 183 pages

The book A Child Called “It”, By Dave Pelzer Is a heart stopping story. I have never heard of anyone being so abused. I could not believe it was a true story. He had went through so much in his childhood. I am amazed he is still alive today.
This book shows that he had courage and he never gave up. He almost did a couple of times but he pulled through and talk to GOD. He was very brave and had hope and strength. His mother always had him to play “games” which were punishments. No matter how horrific they were he still went through them and never gave up.
He was the outcast and slave of the family he wasn’t a member of the family anymore. His name went from Dave to “It”. I could not imagine going through the “games” he had to do. He was very strong and he was determined to live, and he did. I wouldn’t have the capability to do any of the “games” he had to do. She always said “look in the mirror and say you’re a bad boy”.
This story is a very unforgettable compelling true story. It is very inspiring. It shows one little boys fight to survive, through the torment and abuse. He went through being brutalized and tortured through it all. But he still survived the abuse and the “games”.
I give A Child Called “It”. Five out of five stars it is a very inspiring tear jerker story. It is a have to read book.


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