Incantation by Alice Hoffman | Teen Ink

Incantation by Alice Hoffman MAG

November 16, 2010
By RhiannonSEdwards BRONZE, Adel, Iowa
RhiannonSEdwards BRONZE, Adel, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is not often that a book comes along that truly changes my life; however, Incantation is one. When I began reading it, I became very absorbed. It totally kept my interest. With fluid words and believable characters, I was hooked in the first chapter.

Incantation also appealed to my interests. I love history, and this book is full of factual details from the tumultuous time of the Spanish Inquisition and its persecution of Jews, Muslims, and others. This story is told through the eyes of a teenage girl surrounded by violence and despair. Eventually, she herself is forced to suffer the misery that she has seen so many endure. This book gave me chills on more than one occasion.

Incantation is a mesmerizing book. I cried, laughed, and even shuddered at the horrors described by this fabulous author. Incantation and Green Angel are two of my favorite books, making Alice Hoffman one of my favorite authors. If you are in the mood for a gripping, heart-wrenching, even disturbing book, then Incantation is definitely one to consider.


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