Just Listen | Teen Ink

Just Listen

November 20, 2007
By Kelly Nemmers BRONZE, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Kelly Nemmers BRONZE, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Just Listen By: Sarah Dessen

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen is a book about a girl, Annabel Greene, who always wants to keep everyone happy, the peace – keeper type. She was best friends with a girl, Sophie, the girl who is always in the lime light, and loves it. She's the center of attention that continues to create drama so people continue to talk about her. She was one of the Queen B's, and so by association Annabel was also popular. But when Sophie hears a rumor incriminating Annabel, she turns the entire school against her, except for Owen Armstrong. Everyone has the wrong opinion about him, saying he's a bully who frequently beats up people, but really is the kindest friend she's had in awhile. He loves to listen to music, all kinds of the sort from the dripping of a sink to heavy metal. He has the opinion that “silence is so freaking loud”. So can the only person who doesn't know her, be the one person who can really help her. This book is the perfect type of stand up for yourself, teen type of book. The heroine character is the kind that takes charge and slays the dragon, and then rescues the handsome prince by herself. (But not literally.) She gets her confidence, with Owens help, when he convinces her to take back control of her own life. It's the perfect novel for teen readers who sometimes struggle with confrontation, or for anyone else. On a scale of one to ten I would vote it an eleven. It is one of the best books I've read this year.


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