Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow by The Miller Brothers | Teen Ink

Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow by The Miller Brothers

September 18, 2009
By Lexi2 BRONZE, Tacoma, Washington
Lexi2 BRONZE, Tacoma, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hunter Brown is THE best book of our day. Not only does it have action, adventure, mystery, suspence, puzzles, and many MANY tie to the bible, it also has valuable lessons we can use in everyday life. It was made for EVERYONE, kids, tweens teens, adults, and even book haters. In it we join Hunter, a normal everyday highschool freshman, who comes into the ownership of a book that leads him to the paralell realm of Solandria. He joins with a group called the codebearers there and must journey to his arch-enamy's kingdom where he must not only battle his enamy, but must find his true self and chose to either live with what seems like power by serving Sceleris (Solandria's version of Satan) or give his life up to the truely good Author and become a code bearer. I HIGHLY recommend it. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY JAW DROPPING!!! Im also recommend the Incredible sequel "Hunter Brown and the Consuming Fire.

The author's comments:
I am writing this because the messages in this book are so powerful I don't want anyone to miss a chance at reading it.


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