Girl In Pieces By Kathleen Glasgow | Teen Ink

Girl In Pieces By Kathleen Glasgow

January 29, 2024
By Yeni BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Yeni BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet." - Bob Marley

“I just want to feel better. My own body is my deepest enemy. It wants, it wants, it wants and when it does not get, it cries and cries and I punish it. How can you live in fear of your own body?” This is the question that Charlotte Davis can’t commit to. Charlotte, a young girl abandoned by her parents, once in a mental health facility, is sucked into the painful world of self-harming because of her need to let go of her sadness. Kathleen Glasgow, the author who has written two similar books like Girl In Pieces while telling a story that results in causing oneself's own pain, knows how to keep her readers at an emotional state of mind and observe the survival throughout her writing. I recommend this book because it is about overcoming the struggle of self-acceptance. Girl In Pieces is an intriguing book because it explores self-harm and the healing potential of the author's expression.

Girl In Pieces is a book about Charlotte, a 17 year old girl who thinks she has little reason to live due to her father commiting suicide, her abusive mother kicking her out, her best friend, Ellis almost completely brain dead from cutting too deeply, and suffering from horrifying experiences living in the streets. From the cause of her immense trauma and pain she attempts suicide. After her survival, she isn’t sure she can undergo cutting herself thinking of her past. She is on the verge of losing herself and the struggle to remain alive in her own skin. She is relatable to the type of issues that in reality people face. 

Kathleen Glasgow is an important figure in showing how people deal with self-harm. I started reading this book when I noticed that my best friend was harming herself due to triggering events. I wanted to understand more about why it was done and how it was dealt with. I began to recognize the struggles that Charlotte faced and how she felt when she harmed herself. I realized that this book was not only about struggling with self-harm but also physical abuse, homelessness, and violence. I began to conclude that Girl In Pieces is a good book because it is the reality of some people and it isn’t a story, it is their life.

I recommend this book to teenagers who are in war within themselves. Mostly to this generation that tends to struggle with self acceptance, mentally, physically and spiritually. We tend to keep the battles we face in silence without asking for help when it hurts us the most and it is when we realize that we need help therapeutically. For example, this book will help you understand the stages Charlotte goes through and how she accepts who she is by being kind to herself. In this book, you will be able to relate and improve on how to deal with your own body.

If self-acceptance can be hard when you're not taught how to deal with yourself.  It is something you have to learn through obstacles in life.

The author's comments:

This book can really change the way you see those around you by giving you the understanding on how others see themselves.


This article has 1 comment.

Luis Castro said...
on Feb. 7 2024 at 8:53 pm
Luis Castro, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not, there is no try"<br /> Yoda

This sounds like an amazing book. I'll add it to my list of must reads!